Istructions for Authors


Acta Missiologiae is an interdenominational, blind-peer-reviewed and peer-reviewed, missiological journal dedicated to the scholarly study and reflection on Christian witness in Central and Eastern Europe, with an interconfessional, international, and interdisciplinary focus and Orthodox, Roman Catholic, mainline Protestant, Pentecostal, and Evangelical perspectives. It contains also a section with non- blind-peer-reviewed texts.

Acta Missiologiae exists to provide a platform for engaging missiological issues and mission practice in Central and Eastern Europe and assists missiologists and church leaders to keep up to date in their missiological thinking through articles, book reviews, and other materials. Thus, it can serve as a resource for students and teachers of missiology. Acta Missiologiae is published by the Central and Eastern European Association for Mission Studies (CEEAMS).

Frequency of publication:

Acta Missiologiae is published once a year. Thematic issues are occasionally published.

Online Submissions:

Acta Missiologiae uses online submission only. Authors should submit their manuscript online via the CEEAMS - Open Journal System (OJS) online submission system at First-time users of the system need to register first. Please go to the website and click on the "Register Now" link in the login menu.

The submissions should be done in Word format.

All correspondence related to the submission will be done by email.


For all academic submissions Acta Missiologiae uses a double-blind-peer-review system, which means that manuscript authors do not know who the reviewers are, and that reviewers do not know the names of the author(s). In order to safeguard this procedure, authors are asked to avoid any information in the text of their articles which could reveal their identity.

Submissions relevant for the scope of the journal but not deemed for the blind-peer-review process can be published upon editorial peer reviewing.

Submission Requirements:

Acta Missiologiae accepts unsolicited manuscripts and encourages mission scholars engaged in issues emerging from, relevant for, and related to Central and Eastern Europe to submit articles. Manuscripts may be edited as necessary. Unaccepted manuscripts will not be returned.


Manuscripts should be submitted in English. Spelling should be consistent throughout.


Manuscripts should contain 6,000-10,000 words, typed double spaced.

Book reviews are from 500-1000 words.

Manuscript Structure

Title, Subtitle, Name of the author, afiliation, email address and a short (max five lines) biographical note.

Abstract and Keywords: 100-150 words followed by up to seven keywords.
Manuscripts should have a clear Introduction and Conclusion section.

Headings should be used to break up the text in sections and subsections if necessary.


Acta Missiologiae uses footnotes, not endnotes. However, footnotes are to be used sparsely.


Acta Missiologiae follows the internationally recognized “Anthropological Style”, e.g., as followed by Mission Studies. References are placed in the text in parentheses, with author’s last name, year and page number(s) – e.g. (Bargár 2020:1-42).

Bible Citations are placed in the text and their abbreviation is used according to e.g., or e.g. (Gal 3:10 or Genesis 3:1-12).
In order to increase the relevance of the bibliography of the authors, Acta Missiologiae, wherever possible, includes the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number of the publications. More and more publishers are working with the DOI which implies that submissions published by Acta Missiologiae will be easier to be found and accessed by readers worldwide.

At the end of the text, references will be listed under “References Cited,” according to the following examples, based on Harvard Style but also competent with APA and The Chicago Manual of Style:


Surname of the Author, First Name (Year of Publication). Title. Place: Publisher.

Surname of the Author 1, First Name, and Surname Author 2, First Name (2021). Title of the Book. Place: Publisher.

Book in Translation:

Surname of the Author, First Name (Year of Publication). Title. Translated by First Name Surname. Place: Publisher.


Surname of the Author, First Name (Year of the Publication). The Title of the Book. [online]. Edition (if not first). Place: Publisher. [Viewed Day Month Year]. Available from: DOI or URL

Edited Book:

Surname of the Author, First Name, ed. (Year of Publication). Title of the Book. Place: Publisher.

Surname of Author 1, First Name, and Surname of Author 2, First Name, eds., (Year of Publication). Title of the Book. Place: Publisher.

Book Chapter:

Surname of the Author, First Name (Year of Publication). “Title of the Chapter”. In First Name Surname, ed., Title of the Book: Subtitle of the Book, Place: Publisher, pp. 33-66.

Journal Article:

Surname of the Author, First Name (Year of Publication). “Title of the Article: Subtitle.” Journal Title Number of the Volume (Number of the Issue), pp number-number. E.g. 80 (1), pp. 22-48.

Surname of Author 1, First Name, Surname of Author 2, First Name, and Surname of Author 3, First Name (Year of Publication). “Title of the Article: Subtitle.” Journal Title 81 (1), pp. 23-50.

Surname of Author 1, First Name, Surname of Author 2, First Name, and  Surname of Author 3, First Name (Year of Publication). “Title of the Article: Subtitle.” Journal Title [online]. 81 (1), pp. 23-50. [Viewed 20 October 2020]. Available from: DOI 10.1111/j.1540-5931.2006.00203.x

Dissertation or Thesis:

Surname of the Author, First Name (Year of Publication). The Title of the Thesis, Dissertation, Department, University.

Surname of the Author, First Name (Year of Publication). The Title of the Thesis, [online]. Dissertation, Department, University. [Date viewed]. Available from: DOI or URL

Newspaper Article:

Surname of the Author, First Name (Year of Publication). The Title of the Article. The Newspaper, May 25, p.4.

Please capitalise all titles.

References by the same author (or by the same group of authors in the same order) should be listed  by year of publication starting with the oldest one.


For matters not covered and for further information, see the updated version of the Harvard Style or consult with the editor of Acta Missiologiae.

Book Reviews

All book reviews are solicited.  Do not submit book reviews, unless you have agreed to do so with the book review editor of Acta Missiologiae.

Book reviews begin with complete bibliographical information on the book: name of author or editor(s), translator (if applicable), complete title (italicized), edition (if applicable), series (if applicable), place of publication, publisher, date, pages (Roman for front matter, then Arabic for the main contents), approximative price (in EUR).


Félix Krawatzek. Youth in Regime Crisis: Comparative Perspectives from Russia to Weimar Germany. Oxford Stdudies in Democratization. Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2018. Pp. xv-320. EUR 83.

Generally, the book reviews should include five components:

  1. Situation of the book within the current literature/discourses on the subject
  2. Identification of the author(s) or editor(s)
  3. A brief summary of the contents
  4. Critiqual analysis of the organization, arguments and style of the book
  5. Identification of the intended audience (if this is not already clear)

At the end of the review, the reviewer should use three lines for identification:

    1. The reviewer’s name
    2. The institution with which the reviewer is associated, and/or the city and country from which the person writes
    3. The reviewer’s email address


First Name of the Author Surname of the Author, Institute, City, Country


For any questions relating to the manuscript please contact the editor at: